As 2024 started, I was excited and at times daunted thinking about the year ahead. Currently, I have several different roles, including Ph.D. candidate, entrepreneur, volunteer, friend, and family member. In 2024, I am hoping to give up one of those roles… being a student.
In February 2020, I decided to answer a call for research proposals from the International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Saskatchewan mining industry. I submitted my proposal for my Ph.D. project the day before our world shutdown due to COVID-19.
While waiting to hear back about the proposal I applied to start graduate school in the fall. Again, choosing the interdisciplinary path, assembling my application, and recruiting supporters for my academic committee. Fast forward to 4 years later and I am well into analyzing my final data set. My original Ph.D. project schedule had 60 line items. Today, it has 180 and with my current projection, I might even finish a few weeks earlier than I estimated 4 years ago!
When I answered IMII’s call for proposals I did not anticipate the upcoming and long-lasting impacts of the pandemic. Even though I live a short distance from the university, my classes were mostly virtual. When we met in person, we were often masked. I finished my last class in the winter term of 2022. At the start of my program, if I needed a library book, I was able to pick it up at the locked library door. Today, I can freely enter the library to easily browse through the shelves, and head home with a few extra finds.
Despite the remote nature of my graduate program, I have banded together with many fellow graduate students for support. These relationships have been invaluable in providing connection and support as we navigate our many roles as students, caregivers, volunteers, income earners, etc.
Lastly, a big impact of the pandemic for me was finding myself unemployed. This turned into a huge positive as I started Prairie Catalyst Consulting and have been able to collaborate with and contribute to some amazing change efforts in several organizations across Canada.
Due to my knack for organization, I have mapped out what the end of my Ph.D. looks like for me and have big plans for how to ensure that the insights and contributions of the nearly 150 people who have guided, participated, and contributed to aspects of the Activating Allies study will have a life beyond the project finishing. I anticipate finishing the last few chapters of my dissertation in the coming months to defend this spring. I know I will need continued support from my friends, family, colleagues, committee members, and supervisors to get to the finish line. As for the outcomes of the study, you will be able to connect with it in a few different forms, individual papers published in academic journals, two-page summary articles on my research website, and my dissertation.
Now for the big news! Drumroll, please… I am writing a book! I want to ensure the knowledge that I have gained through my Ph.D. program is accessible and I believe a practical book — based on the Active Allies course, the Activating Allies study, and my observations from working with my clients at Prairie Catalyst — will be a great tool for future and current leaders looking to understand their role in leading change so that workplaces work for everyone. In addition to writing the book, I am also looking for a way to offer the Activating Allies course to a wide, virtual audience this fall. I am planning to make some improvements to the course delivery and small tweaks to the content based on the feedback from more than 100 participants who have completed the course. Stay tuned for how you can contribute to these exciting projects!
To summarize what the year ahead looks like for me, I will be focused on completing my Ph.D., research mobilization, and book writing in the first half of the year. I am open to taking on clients this spring and will have even more capacity in the fall. Prairie Catalyst supports our clients by first helping them understand where they are starting from through doing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) baseline assessment. Following this we help with establishing a common understanding with key stakeholders. This often involves facilitated workshops to ensure strategic alignment and skill-building with leaders and change makers. Next, we can provide support with integrating solutions, including training, policies, and guidelines. Finally, we support ongoing feedback and monitoring of EDI indicators. If you need help leading change efforts in your organization, please reach out!